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- A -
Administrator permission required
Allow access to anonymous tills
Allow delivery drivers to clock out with open delivery orders
Allow gift card balance retrieval
Allow manual gift card number entry
Allow payment removal for Open orders
Allow staff to clock out with open orders
Allow tills to tender delivery
Allow user to see other's orders
Allowing customers to earn point
Auto-close the day at specified time (other than midnight)
Automatically print after generating
- B -
Button Sizing Adjustment Tools
- C -
Clock-in not required (if Timeclock installed)
Customer Purchase History Summary
Customize Order Screen Buttons
- D -
- E -
Export report to file after generating
- F -
- G -
- H -
- I -
iOS Device Download and Installation
- K -
kitchen or preparation communication
- L -
- M -
- N -
Never print a merchant copy of On Account Receipt
- O -
Open cash drawer with "No Sale"
- P -
Personal Identification Number
Personal Identification Number Setup
Point 0f Success Main Menu Order Entry
Point of Success Dashboard Uploader
Pop up customer birthday message on their birthday
Print expeditor ticket immediately on Done
Print Voided Prep Ticket when order is voided
Product Type Sales Tax and Inventory Setup
Products Eligible for Discount
- Q -
- R -
Remove an order from a delivery run
- S -
Show "Normally Included" items on the order when using Combination and Super Buttons
Show improper shutdown message
Show split payment buttons in Ticket Payment window
Staff: Code
Hourly and Commission Pay Rate
- T -
Till and Bank Opening Balances
- U -
Use encrypted card reader for employee cards
- V -
- W -
When modifying an item on an order, place the word "Add" in front of the item
When splitting tickets, do not remove discounts
- Z -