Apply Discount (Order Entry)
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How to apply a discount.
The Apply Discount window is accessed when the Discount button in order entry is pressed. Up to two discounts can be applied to any order. The resulting total is calculated and displayed. Once OK is pressed, the discount total is displayed and subtracted from the total at the bottom of the order ticket on the left panel of the Order Entry screen.
The way to tell which discount is being applied is to look at which discount button is pressed. By default when this window is accessed, the Discount 1 button is pressed. Select one of the discount descriptions on the left panel and the text from that discount will replace the text on the depressed button. If more than one discount can be applied, the Discount 2 button can be pressed. Select one of the discount descriptions on the left panel and the text from that discount will replace the text on the depressed button.
The dollar or percentage discount associated with the selected discount item will be calculated and displayed for the user's information. The total calculated discount is the sum of all applied discounts.
If a discount cannot be used in connection with any other discount, once the first discount is selected, the second discount button becomes inactive. This is the indication that no other discounts can apply.
Only discounts with that are in effect currently will show on the discount list. If a discount is outside the effective date, time, day, or other criteria, it will not show up on the list. To override this and display all discounts without restriction, check the box titled Show All Discounts.