Till and Bank Opening Balances

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Till and Bank Opening Balances

Till and Bank Opening Balances

In this screen, till and bank opening balances are set for each day of the week. This allows the user to limit the amounts of tills and banks for risk management.

Enter the default opening amount for the tills by keying in the dollar value on the left panel. When a till is opened, this default value will be filled in depending on the day of the week. It can be changed on the fly if so desired during till assignment. A till is a money source that has a cash drawer attached to it. Tills are typically assigned to staff who will run the register at the front of the store.

Banks and Server Banks do not have a cash drawer associated with them. The Opening Amount is the amount given as part of this bank to track it. The Maximum Limit Amount is the amount the bank can grow to before a drop is required. Drops are achieved in the Driver Dispatchsection of Point of Success Order. A bank is a money source that does not have a cash drawer attached to it.  A bank is typically assigned to drivers who do not have a cash drawer but keep the money on their person. A Server Bank is assigned to a server but has no physical cash drawer.