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Dashboard PC / Mac / iOS
Once all the setup is complete and data has been uploaded, Dashboard is the way to access the data for analysis, management, comparison, and action.
Dashboard operates similarly on all platforms. When it is initially launched, Dashboard defaults to the current date. According to the login information it will display all the Panels that have been configured to display for the User defined.
At the top of the Point of Success Dashboard there are a few controls.
The Date displayed is also a button control that allows the date to be changed to any date. Click the date and change it to view Panels from a different day.
The "aA" button allows the font size to be adjusted. Press the button and then press "a" or "A" to change the font size.
The counterclockwise circle refreshes the data. If the data has been displayed for a period of time and needs to be refreshed, press this button. The data is always refreshed when a new date is chosen or on initial access.
The three lines provided above the data allow access to the login, settings, stores, users, and about information.
The Panels below are provided for comparison and business analysis. The only Panel that does not provide comparison is the Product Sales by Category - the categories may vary widely between stores and is therefore not useful for comparison.
In these examples there are three stores: BurnZurn (Zurn Grille), Patio Zurn, and TurnZurn (Zurn Food Truck) all under the Zurn Delicious company. Comparisons between the stores and totals help manage the stores individually and help determine where management attention and focus should be.
Hourly Sales: Sales by hour with totals by hour and location. Supports multiple locations.