QuickBooks Export

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QuickBooks Export

QuickBooks Export

The export provided in Point of Success allows the sales, discount, refund, and tax information relative to the operation of a restaurant to be exported from the point of sale system into QuickBooks. Contact an accounting professional to understand the proper use and categorization of accounts, revenues, sales, tax collected, discounts, paid outs, etc. that commonly occur in a point of sale program. Consult the QuickBooks manual, online help, or technical support for the proper way to setup and use QuickBooks.

Gift Card sales are treated as any other sale in Point of Success. When the sale of a Gift Card is exported for QuickBooks it is lumped with all sales of any product in Point of Success.

In Point of Success Office Manager, there are two areas to setup. Click 'Tools' from the main screen of Point of Success Office Manager. Click Product Categories under Tools menu to display the Product Category List. The Product Categories need Income Account names that match up to accounts setup in QuickBooks.

product category list quickbooks account

Click 'Tools' from the main screen of Point of Success Office Manager. Click Paid Out Types under Tools menu to display the Paid Out Type list. The Paid Out Types need Expense Account names that match up to accounts setup in QuickBooks.

paid out type list quickbooks account

All General Ledger accounts should already be setup in QuickBooks. Corresponding accounts are setup in the QuickBooks Export software located under Start, Program Files, Point of Success.

The first screen displayed in the QuickBooks Export program allows for daily batching of data. It also has the 'Account Settings' button. Press this button to access the settings that should be established the first time this program is run. Once these settings are in place they typically remain unchanged.

quickbooks data export export data

The GL (General Ledger) accounts that are set should match the accounts setup in QuickBooks. Each account should have a name and not be left blank. These accounts will in turn be exported into the accounts in QuickBooks according to the date of the batch. Once the accounts have been setup and matched up the system is ready to be used for exporting data.

Quickbooks integration GL Accounts

After setting up the accounts, the system is ready to export. To do this, choose the starting and ending date of the business day to be downloaded. This data can be a single day or multiple days. All the data collected will be exported in one batch as shown. When the proper date or dates have been selected, click the 'Export Data To QuickBooks' button. The system will confirm that this batch should be generated. The name of the .iif file (the file compatible for import to QuickBooks) will be displayed. Click 'Save' to generate the file.

quickbooks export save

Once the file is created, it will be saved is ready to be imported. The file should be in a location that is easily found from the import function in QuickBooks. The Point of Success QuickBooks Export keeps track of the batches that have been exported. If there is a batch that needs to be re-done, regenerated, and re-exported, access the 'Manage Batches' tab from the main screen of the Point of Success QuickBooks Export program. Select the batch in question and press the 'Undo Batch' button.

quickbooks data export manage batches

A confirmation message will confirm the batch removal.

quickbooks confirm unbatch

This batch can then be regenerated and prepared for import. This action will not, however, remove the data from this batch from QuickBooks. If this batch has been imported, into QuickBooks, a backup of the QuickBooks data that happened prior to this batch being imported should be restored. That will bring the QuickBooks data back to the state it was in before the batch was imported. After the restore, the regenerated batch can be re-imported into QuickBooks.