Software Version History

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Software Version History

This is a comprehensive list of the revisions broken down by version number. This list will be revised when new versions of the software are released.


Point of Success Version 5 - Build 573 (March 12, 2025)


DA - 7154

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Customer Purchase History Templates: added calculations for Dual Pricing

DA - 7161

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Customer Source Analysis templates: updated for dual pricing

DA - 7162

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Daily Sales Comparison template: update for dual pricing

DA - 7202

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Bank Reconciliation Summary - changed calculations to use Order's Total Paid Amount

DA - 7203

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Till Reconciliation Summary - changed Credit Card pricing to use Order Total Paid Amount

DA - 7204

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Customer Receipts (Itemized Dual Pricing)- changed Credit Card pricing to use Order Total Paid Amount

DA - 7205

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Prep All In One Itemized Dual Pricing - Tax, Deliver and Large Party pricing fixed

DA - 7206

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Credit Card Receipt (Detail) templates - changed tax, delivery pricing

DA - 7207

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Dispatch Ticket Itemized Dual Pricing -changed tax, delivery pricing

DA - 7209

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Added a new Employee Tip Summary that reports in-store delivery orders

DA - 7210

Point of Success Order Monitor

Put Gratuity from an Online Order Cash payment as Pre-Tip Amount

DA - 7211

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Prep All In One template - fixed typo referring Pre Tip Amount as Prep Tip Amount

DA - 7212

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Accountant Summary and EOD: Included On Account Orders in Order Summary

DA - 7215

Point of Success Office- Reports (All)

Online Ordering Sales Analysis -Service Type totals now matching Product Category Totals


Point of Success Version 5 - Build 564 (January 22, 2025)


DA - 7189

Reports (All) - Prep All In One templates adjusted not to cutoff comments, especially on narrow formats

DA - 7190

Reports (All) - Added the Tip from Order Entry to Credit Card templates

DA - 7191

Reports (All) - Accountant Summary Payments Received Totals corrected if Tip Paid Out

DA - 7192

Reports (All) - Accountant Summary and EOD templates, accommodates situation where if full refund the same day then payments <> paid orders

DA - 7194

Online Ordering - BH order paid completely by Loyalty Reward now adds Loyalty to order

DA - 7195

Reports (All) - Footnote corrected on bottom of page for Accountant Summary

DA - 7197

Ticket Payment - Add a Cash Tip revised

DA - 7198

Ticket Payment - Using the "speed cash" buttons after adding the tip amount reworked.

DA - 7199

Reports (All) - Flash Reports (Dual Pricing) - changed calculation to use Total Paid Amount

DA - 7200

Manager Console - The "Average Order" value on the Manager Console no longer displays a large number when there are no orders

DA - 7201

Manager Console - Orders using the old "Receivable" pay type for delivery orders now included in the totals


New Datacap ActiveX controls (DSIPDCX and DSIEMVUS) to support new gift card BIN

Box Label Reprint - Box labels can now be reprinted


Point of Success Version 5 - Build 561 (November 18, 2024)

DA - 7148

Office- Reports (All)

Till Close Report (Narrow) report display date fixed

DA - 7149

Office- Reports (All)

Updated Account Billing Orders and and Account Statements to include credit card amount

DA - 7171

Order Monitor

Products now matched from JSON order for pizzaToppings

DA - 7172

Office- Reports (All)

Customer Receipt (10/7/2024) template no longer printing extra space at bottom

DA - 7174

Order- General Stuff

For the new "Order Tip" feature, the "Pre Tip Amount" field in the Order table

DA - 7175

Order- Ticket Payment

Close Bar Tab button now includes the Tab dollar amount in the caption

DA - 7176

Order- Ticket List

The Amount column shows the Order Total until the ticket is closed, then it will show the Total Paid Amount.

DA - 7177

Order- Ticket Payment

Bar Tabs: When closing a Bar Tab the credit price fixed

DA - 7178

Order Monitor

BH Online Orders- Total Amount Due didn’t subtract BH Loyalty Reward

DA - 7179

Office- Reports (AIl)

Customer Receipts now showing correct payment if they have a tip

DA - 7181

Order Monitor

Online Order Confirmation no longer consider successful when timed out

DA - 7184

Order- Manager Console

Manager Console net sales calculation reflects payment

DA - 7185

Table Management

Editing an Order restricted when payment has started

DA - 7186

Order- Ticket Payment

Payments and Sales Tax included (Level II). Credit card payments for commercial credit cards should include additional information, including the Sales Tax, for the order.  It appears that this facilitates the payments occuring in a timely manner. A change was done to include this information with every payments, not just commercial cards.

DA - 7187

Office- Reports (All)

Accountant Summary and EOD reports now match Manager Console net sales



Point of Success Version 5 - Build 546 (October 14, 2024)

DA - 7137

Office- General Stuff

Card Issuer changed from Card Issue in MDField table

DA - 7157

Gift Card Processing

The full gift card number is now stored in the Card Transaction table

DA - 7158

Order- Order Entry

Added a "tip" button in the Order Entry window

DA - 7159

Order- Ticket Payment

Level II credit card transaction only work when a Customer account is connected to an order.

DA - 7160

Office- Reports (All)

Add the Tip from Order Entry to Customer Receipt and Prep All-in-One templates

DA - 7163

Order- Order Entry

Discounts applied to Amounts with Price Includes Tax sets, saves correct amount

DA - 7165

Credit Card

Customer facing show tip amount AND percentage on button face on credit card devices

DA - 7167

Order Monitor

Add option to include modifier headings in order, from Big Holler online order

DA - 7168

Office- Reports (All)

Top 50 Customer report performance improvement

DA - 7173

Order- General Stuff

Updated System Data (MDFIELD.DAT) to include the new field "Pre Tip Amount" for DA-7158


Point of Success Version 5 - Build 543

DA - 7128

Order Monitor

Production List ingredients now prints for Online Orders

DA - 7129

Office- Reports (All)

Credit Card Summary and Credit Card Detail templates adds online CC amounts or sales

DA - 7136

Order Monitor

Big Holler change for Import of order to accommodate menu changes for New Customers

DA - 7138

Office- Reports (All)

Updated Daily Order templates to include credit card amounts

DA - 7139

Office- Reports (All)

Accountant Summary and End of Day performance improvement for large data

DA - 7142

Office- Reports (All)

Added Dual Pricing Order Amounts to Delivery Orders in Driver or Server Close Reports

DA - 7143

Office- Tools and Preferences

New Tips paid out checkbox to automatically pay out tips collected from a credit card device - paid

DA - 7144

Order- Ticket Payment

Add Tip and Hold button to the drawer [Depricated]

DA - 7145

Office- Reports (All)

Update the Paid Out section in Condensed templates to include the version 5 Tip Paid Amount.



Point of Success Version 5 - Build 540 [August 14, 2024]


DA6965 Point of Success Ticket Monitor Ticket Monitor stability revisions - Dynamic Column Management added

DA7100 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Created new narrow report templates for the Epson-TM U220 printer

DA7101 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Created new narrow report templates for the Epson TM-T20 printer

DA7123 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Itemized Dual Pricing: Customer Receipt, Dispatch Ticket etc - CC amounts corrected

DA7122 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Till & Bank Accounting and Cash Deposit - performance enhancement

DA7119 Point of Success Ticket Monitor Added Quick View buttons to filter displayed tickets by Service Type

DA7120 Point of Success Ticket Monitor When using multiple Ticket Monitors and bumping, then restoring, restored ticket returns to original location

DA7121 Point of Success Ticket Monitor continues to function when left running overnight - switches business day

DA7124 Point of Success App Manager Re-enabled App Manager's multi-threaded download

DA7132 Point of Success Order- Dispatch List Automatically assign payment to driver when bringing driver back in without asking if the user wants to assign the payment to the till instead checkbox added



Point of Success Version 5 - Build 529 [July 24, 2024]


DA7106 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Bank Reconciliation Summary - Tip Collected matches Total Tip

DA7110 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Accountant Summary & EOD templates: Specify Other as Online Credit Card

DA7073 Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Loyalty reports added to v5

DA6989 Point of Success Order Monitor Added Date format for Canada

DA7105 Point of Success Credit Card Smart PDCX feature to take advantage of onscreen co processing for Datacap

DA7109 Point of Success Order Monitor Online Order - modifiers are using the main item prep location

DA7111 Point of Success Order- Lookup Customer Customer Lookup improvements (Loyalty ID lookup fix and partial phone number search)

DA7112 Point of Success Order- Ticket List default server Ul change

DA7113 Point of Success Order- Ticket Payment Added an optional delay when closing the Ticket Payment window

DA7114 Point of Success Order- Loyalty Added the ability to move Loyalty ID's points to another ID


Point of Success Version 5 - Build 521 [July 2, 2024]


Order- Ticket Payment - Future Order credit card transaction now shows on date finalized instead of the date entered (DA6920)

Order- Order Entry Tax Exempt and No Sales Tax are now discrete. Staff restricted from applying Tax Exempt status to an order can now take an order for a Service Type that is set to charge “No Sales Tax” (DA7075)

Order Monitor - Big Holler administrator URL has been updated from to (DA7077)

Order Monitor - Can now shut off Online Order processing in Order Monitor (DA7079)

Order Monitor - Additional qualification and search added to detect existing customers so it does not add duplicate customers that are already in the database (DA7082)

Order - Can now pay On Account tickets with Credit Cards (DA7068)

Order- Screen Resolution guidelines in Product Menu Builder have been updated so they are the correct resolution and depict the proper bounds (DA7087)

Order- Pre-auth only button for payment if a till/bank is not setup is disabled if using customer facing/tips on device setting (DA7089)

Order- Enable Till to be printed from list regardless of workstation if user has access to Till and Bank List (DA7092)

Order - Tills and Banks can now be automatically reconciled and balanced using one button press

Order- Keypad on Office login screen (DA7093)

Order- Use Employee Cards Optional on Keypad (DA7078)

Order- Order Entry buttons fixed (when converting from V4 to V5 - Extra button + Tip button removed (DA7096)

Office- Reports (All) Add Total Order Count for Driver/Server Bank Close reports (All) (DA7042)

Office- Reports (All) Customer Receipt Itemized Dual Pricing 3/11 now calculating correctly (DA7051)

Office- Reports (All) EOD does now Match Accountant Summary Report (DA7052)

Office- Reports (All) Quantity now showing on Prep Ticket for combo items(DA7066)

Office- Reports (All) Accountant Summary: now includes order items if a type comment in Product Sales by Category (DA7071)

Office- Reports (All) Added Missing Loyalty reports in v5 (DA7073)

Office- Reports (All) Added new Flash Reports with Dual Pricing(DA7076)

Office- Reports (All) Lazy or Lost Customer Review and Label templates no longer showing empty reports(DA7080)

Office- Reports (All) Updated Print to File instructions in email export templates (DA7081)

Office- Reports (All) Fixed Customer Mailing labels and New Customer Mailing Labels prints Pizza Lover for all customers (DA7083)

Office- Reports (All) Product Buyer and Product Sales Achievement by Staff now require date range (DA7088)

Central Point Remote corrected Filter for Business Date set back to v4 selections (DA7090)

Central Point Remote Report Error fixed if report includes new functions e.g DualPricing (DA7094)

Central Point Remote and HQ - Installation files revised and released available with Build 521 and compatible with PS5



Point of Success Version 5, Build 516

Payment refunds now included in Refund section of template

Bank and Till Reconciliation Summary templates - added Dual Pricing for Sales

Existing customer in database will not say street is not in database

Fixed both the Accountant Summary and End of Day templates calculation issues

Expanded the password for Online Order credentials

Expanded Time Sensitive Pricing and Price Change Tool

Customer Receipt Itemized Dual Pricing showing Cash Amount in Card Amount

Customer Receipt (mod 12/15/2023) now prints change due

Online Orders after Midnight now show up until after Business Close



Point of Success Version 5, Build 504

Order – General - Support was added for devices from Valor Paytech. IMPORTANT NOTE: The credit card payment features supported are limited. It is the same restrictions that Paysafe has. The following are NOT supported:

1.Re-Authorize a payment with a Voided transaction without having the users card.

2.Bar tabs are not supported.

3.Refunds always require the customers credit card to be present

Ticket Monitor - Access Violation error received when printing an Expeditor Ticket.

Future Orders - payment attributed to the correct day - now corrected for Finalizing the payment, Adjusting a Tip and Closing the Bar Tab.

Order – Pay Screen - Re-authorizing a voided payment is now using the "credit price".

Order - Customer Entry - Street Database now allows direction to be appended to the number. Normal operation requires direction (NSEW) to be part of the street name.




Point of Success Version 5, Build 491


Order Monitor - "No" ingredient half toppings now prints for RTO

Order – Ticket List - Can now close or pay a zero dollar order

Prep Ticket - On Prep Tickets name is fixed so it is not running into previous text

Order – View Ticket - Audit Information shows audit for no more than one ticket

Office – New Report - External Credit Card Processing Report - Created a new report that shows totals by Tender - Shows payments by Tender Type and then grouped by Tenders under each Tender Type. I have accounted for how v4 has stored some of this information.

Office - New Report - Created a new report to show category sales by staff member

Order – Customer Entry - Street Autofill in Customer Entry deletes street direction when entering

Order Monitor - Tender Type for Paid Online Orders are blank or set as Credit Card

Office – Reports - Modify report templates to handle new Dual Pricing Method

Order Monitor - If Delivery Service type is not set to Delivery Orders will come in

Credit Card - Terminal names and other settings may change without notice.

Order Till/Bank - Should be able to void cash tickets on any open Till regardless of day

Order – Credit Card - Added explicit support for Dual Pricing

Order – Payment - When voiding a Ticket that included an Activate or Reload of a gift card, then Active or Reload, gift card is now voided with amount removed.

Order – Notification Center - The credit card device communication error no longer shows multiple times

Office – Reports - Modified Dual Pricing Receipt Templates to be Itemized templates

Order – Payments - Pending payments send to Clearent and can be edited

Office – Report - Driver Pay Summary now showing in Driver or Server Bank Close Report

Office – Report (New) - Added a new Dispatch Ticket Itemized Dual Pricing Template

Order – Gift Cards sold and discounted to zero will be activated/reloaded


Point of Success Version 5, Build 476


Order Monitor - Halves now indicated on the online order from Big Holler



Point of Success Version 5, Build 475


Big Holler: Order Dispatched tab now in settings

Discounts: Select work for Select All Items but not Individual

Employee Card Scan abort: Error Aborted being filled in where Card Number now on abort.

Order Monitor is now receiving orders continuously. Errors handled.

Driver and Server Bank Close report (Narrow) displays tender type totals

Subtotal and Tax showing zero amounts on Dual Pricing Customer Receipt and Prep All-In-One

Amount is right for online order modifier if main item quantity is greater than 1

BigHoller order retrieval tool in Order Monitor works

Merchant Credit Card receipts match the Driver Close report

Credit Card Receipts now print tip line for Bar Tabs

Extra blank lines removed on prep for online orders

Modifiers for Online Orders for one of Pizza Items fixed

Central Point: Report Schedule, Report Filter Dates not relative and invalid Time error

End of Day (Reprint) report now included

Till Staff list and PIN staff list letters corrected

Order Monitor now storing the RTO XML order in log file

RTO no longer missing orders

Loyaty Rewards is reducing Total Amount for BH orders, reported in Order table Auto timed log out, if not used after XX seconds missing

AMEX and Discover are now correctly reported on Credit Card by Summary Merchant Report

Driver or Server bank Close report now reporting Tips Correctly

Added Credit Card total that includes NCA Amount to Accountant Summary

Keypad Always on Top removed

Payment problems - solved with Retry and Verify added

Invalid Amount when Voiding Tip Adjust Transaction Credit Card fixed

Ticket Monitor (New) footer on bump fixed



Point of Success Version 5, Build 458

Suggested Street name now showing up in Order Entry with autofill

Order Monitor will now start if there is no Online Ordering

Order Monitor now prints DoorDash order number on Prep tickets

Order Monitor Receipt description no longer includes '&amp' if order is from Big Holler

Order Monitor stores JSON order in log file

Order Monitor – Zero (0) quantity no longer showing on Prep Ticket for combo items

Order Monitor Specific No Link items no longer added to Orderitems from Online Order

Ticket Monitor - Adding an item to a bumped order will now bring back the ticket in Ticket Monitor [INSTRUCTIONS: Item Bumping: If a new item is added to an already bumped order, already bumped items will be checked if item bumping is on. Order Bumping: if a new item is added, it will bring back the order but only new items will show on Ticket Monitor]

Order- Ticket Payment  - can now pay credit card only on workstation with no till [INSTRUCTIONS: When a user tries to pay an order and there is no till assigned, there is an option to open a till but there is also a new option to pre-authorize a credit card payment with no till assigned. This allows users to pre-authorize a ticket from any terminal without having access to a till.]

Order - Message Center - IP address is now dynamically pulled from the PAX database [INSTRUCTIONS: The credit card device must have the POS Auto Register setting turned on. DHCP is then OK, because ever time Order Entry runs, it will check to make sure the IP of the credit card device has not changed. Whenever a gift card transaction is run, it will check to make sure the IP address of the credit card device has not changed.]


Point of Success Version 5 Build 449


Point of Success Order- Ticket Payment Now includes NCA on Bar Tab

Point of Success Office- Reports (All) Created new narrow receipt templates

Point of Success Order- Customer Entry Full Customer List/No Customer List opton when using Phone Order (checkbox setting provided in Order Entry)

Point of Success Order- Customer Entry Prompt for tip terminal used by employee for future order ticket now allows ticket to be edited for additional tip

Point or Success Order- Till/Bank Open, Close, Reconcile - The staff lookup window's Department combo box items are now visible.

Point of Success Order- Ticket Payment Driver Dispatch - remove from dispatch does now removes driver

Point of Success Ticket Monitor (New) PS Print - now updated compile to include NCA functions

Point of Success Order- Ticket List Credit Card Receipt - Print on demand if set to print on dispatch only

Point of Success Order- Ticket Payment Initialization of CC device message removed

Point of Success Office- Reports (AIl) Can now run staff clock hour by position report by position

Point of Success Office- Reports (AIl) Customer added Paid-outs now included in Accountant Summary and EOD report

Point of Success Office- Reports (AII) Bar Closed Tab CC receipt matches CC receipt template

Point of Success Database 11949 SQL Parsing error fixed in Training Mode – data converted

Point of Success Order Monitor freeze up improved (RTO only)

Point of Success Office- Tills and Banks POS asks what till to put tips on in Ticket List

Point of Success Order- Ticket Payment Green Pay button does now changes amount to exclude tax

Point of Success Order- Order Entry Quantity issue with Super Button

Point of Success Order- Dispatch List - added ability for a driver to view only themselves, not other drivers.

Point of Success Order- Ticket Payment - the Change Due window now shows a breakdown of coin and bills to be given to the customer.



Point of Success Version 5 Build 439

Revised reports:

Prep Ticket 1-6 (Large Print)

Bank Reconciliation – Bank Reconciliation revised to work like previous versions of Point of Success

Bank Reconciliation Summary - Bank Reconciliation Summary revised to work like previous versions of Point of Success

Bank Reconciliation Summary (Reprint) - Bank Reconciliation Summary revised to work like previous versions of Point of Success

Driver or Server Bank Close Report – revised and corrected

Till Reconciliation - Till Reconciliation revised to work like previous versions of Point of Success

Till Reconciliation Summary - Till Reconciliation Summary revised to work like previous versions of Point of Success

Till Reconciliation Summary (Reprint)-Till Reconciliation Summary (Reprint) revised to work like previous versions of Point of Success

Till Close Report – revised and corrected

Accountant Summary – Product Sales, Tips, and other corrections

Accountant Summary (w Large Party) – Product Sales, Tips, and other corrections

Accountant Summary (Receipt) – Product Sales, Tips, and other corrections

Credit Card Receipt (Detail) – Food item detail included on Credit Card Receipt if desired

End of Day Close Report – Product Sales, Tips, and other corrections

End of Day Close Report (Workstation) – Product Sales, Tips, and other corrections


Software Revisions

Manager Console – figures revised and labeled for easy understanding

View Tickets – parsing error corrected (When sorting on Total column)

Till/Bank templates settings now work like Point of Success Version 4

Fingerprint Sensor compatibility added to Office Manager

Training Mode – copy live menu files to the Sample data folder for use in Training Mode

Portion Sequence on Superbutton – order corrected

Order Monitor tips corrected for RTO, and Tender Types missing for RTO

Corrected Finalized tickets that remained open in certain circumstances

Refund amount includes NCA amount for full refunds only

Till Summary Report prints even if using anonymous tills

Table Map displays when adding a table to an order in order entry

Ticket list always displays ticket total (closed orders should include tip)

View Ticket payment details display problems vixed and date paid is off

View Ticket showing full amount, not just Pre-Auth amount for closed tickets.

Can reprint a Credit Card receipt

Credit Card receipt no longer prints dual signature lines for WP and Paysafe

Connections to server exceeded errors - not clearing users

View Ticket window: shows the "tip paid out" amount

Overpaying with a credit card balance is restricted

Time Clock Receipt now shows punch in or punch out time

Ticket Monitor includes Daily Order sequence number

Ticket Monitor Staff now displays first name last initial

Ticket Monitor daily refresh now active

On Account orders now appear in Account Statement

2 Ways, 3 Ways, 4 Ways, 5 Ways, 6 Ways buttons display problem resolved

Discount screen no longer reveals buttons on the bottom 1024X768

Order Amount totals now change if tip is added

Speed cash button added and caption revised to clarify usage

View Ticket detail no longer shows Payment Detail for previous tickets.

Shows Ticket Total/Tip on Approval Dialog and Tip Confirm on dialog boxes

Payment is now recorded properly if an error occurs while print the credit card receipt

Item taxes still calculated when order is set to tax exempt

Message no longer displays No PDCX device is present

Order - Alert! Terminal Called "None" is not Found revised so it does not display

Now able to set "Ask to print CC receipt."

View Ticket - Change amount is now displayed

Paid Future Orders close properly

Tip Suggestion Amounts on CC Receipts math fixed to accommodate NCA or other variables

Account statement no longer shows "no data" since PS5 Install

Order Montior no longer stops or “freezes”

Quick Books 2020 Import Headings corrected

Re-authorization of credit card payment issue corrected

Tip Paid Out default is now being respected

Address lookup now working correctly

Added ability to void/refund same day using the Refund window

Clearent one cent issue resolved

Fixed - DBISAM error 8716 is received if you click/touch the ticket grid when no items are present