Table and Guest Management

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Table and Guest Management


The Point of Success Table and Guest Management software manages seating and seated guests, wait staff and stations, the waiting guests as well as guest reservations. It is accessed in either of two ways. First, it can be used in connection with the Point of Success Order Entry software to quickly access, review, and key information for guests at specific tables. Once registered, setup is accessed in Point of Success Office Manager under the Tools center as described later. The second way to access the Point of Success Table and Guest Management software is stand-alone from the desktop. This is the best way to use the software to manage reservation, the wait list, and to seat guests. In each section the method of access will be described.

Access Table Management

Table and Guest management


To set up and use the software, run Point of Success Office Manager and choose the Tools center. Table and Guest Management items are located at the bottom left of the screen. The following options are available:

Design your dining table layout.

Set up server stations.

Set up times when customers can make reservations.

Set the wait list and reservation warning thresholds and other options.

Set wait stations.

Table Layout

There are two ways to lay out a restaurant table map—all on one page or using tabs for each room or section. To lay out a restaurant on one screen, each table will appear on a single tab. To display each room or section on a separate screen, create rooms using the Room Setup… button. Room Setup is where additional rooms can be created, renamed, or removed from the system.

Please note that if a room is deleted, the tables setup on that tab will also be deleted.

They are not retrievable. Each room that is created here will have a separate tab displayed at the top of the screen. The table maps for each room are displayed by touching the tab with the room name displayed. Statistics and other information for the tables from each room are in aggregate.

Placing Tables

To place tables, open the table map and change modes from Run mode to Design mode by pressing [F9]. The Component Palette is displayed which contains the tools necessary to build a table map. This palette contains the selection tool (default), the Dining Table tool, Dining Shape tool and the Dining Label tool.

Selection tool (default) - The selection tool is used to select elements on the screen to be moved, resized, or deleted. Multiple selection is accomplished by holding the shift key while clicking each element so that handles appear around them. These can them be modified using the right click, or deleted using the delete key.

Dining Table tool - This tool is used to place tables on the table map. Each table has a table number, the seating capacity, and the shape the table will appear. All these attributes can be reconfigured if necessary. The seating capacity designation identifies the total possible guests that can be seated at the table. This number is used to calculate statistics regarding percentage of unused or unseated tables.

Dining Shape tool - This tool is used to put shapes on the table map. Plants, dance floors, bar tables, obstructions, etc. can be designated by these shapes. Another use for the shapes is to group sections by color. Place the colored section on the map and then drag the tables that belong in the section on top of the shape. Shapes and tables are not related and shapes are not required.

Dining Label tool - This tool is used to put text on the screen that does not interact with any other element. Label areas, groups of tables, or sections if desired using this tool.

TIP: It is faster to create one element and then copy it several times. Once it has been created, copy the element by selecting it and then using CTRL+C to copy the selected element. CTRL+V will paste the element next to the original. It can then be relocated. Be mindful of the table number when organizing tables.

To edit a table, double-click the table and the Dining Table Properties will display allowing adjustments.

Setup Server Stations.


In Point of Success Office Manager, click the Server Stations hyperlink to set up the server stations. A server station is a group of tables that constitute a station to be served by an individual server. Server stations are color coded for easy differentiation in the table map. The description of the server station is defined during setup and can be changed.

Add all the server stations necessary for coverage needs on each specific day. For example, Monday-Thursday coverage stations, Friday coverage, Saturday coverage, etc. Add holiday coverage if applicable. These stations will be available when they are assigned. See Stations later in this book.

Set up time


s when customers can make reservations.

To set up Daily Reservation Times, open Point of Success Office Manager and click the Tools center. Under Table Management click the times hyperlink. Each day can have its own unique open and close times.

Set the wait list and reservation warning thresholds and other options.

To set the reservation warning thresholds, click the reservation warning thresholds hyperlink in Point of Success Office Manager under the Tools center. Set the reservation time interval, reservations per time interval, red and yellow warning time minutes, and wait list warnings. There is also a setting to set the number of tables when calculating turn time.

Stand-Alone Operation

Wait List and Reservations Management


One of the core functions Table and Guest Management is wait list and reservation management. To manage these lists directly, press the Wait List and Reservations button. These two lists contain the names of guests who have made reservations or have arrived at the restaurant and put their name in to wait for a table. The two lists are displayed together and guests from either list can be seated from the list.


To add a party to the wait list, click the New button at the bottom of the main Wait List/Reservations List. This will open a new Wait List Entry window. There, the guest’s name, party size, estimated wait time, seating preference, pager number, waiting area and phone number can be recorded. Additional notes can be added to help identify this guest’s party. If some but not all of the party has arrived, the Partial Party check box can be checked to indicate that. The guest’s status is also recorded by pressing the Not Yet Arrived, Waiting, or Cancelled button.

Once all the information for the waiting party has been recorded, press the OK button to return to the main Wait List/Reservations List. The new record will display in the list with any additional indicators as to status, etc. For example:

The waitlist entry for Mr. Waldie shows the name of the party, the actual time the party has been waiting, the number of guests in the party (9) and that all of the guests have not yet arrived (Partial). The entry also shows the amount of time that was quoted to the Waldie party.

Note: the Time column heading indicates that the list is being sorted by that column. Touch any column heading to sort by that column.

To change an item or seat a party from the Wait List, touch an item on the wait list to display the following dialog box:

From this dialog box a party can be seated at a table, their status can be changed, and other details about the wait list record can be changed. Click Change to return to the Wait List Entry screen displayed previously. To change the party’s status on the fly, press one of the status buttons. To seat a party, press the Seat button.


At any time during the day, pressing the Statistics button will display the current statistical information regarding tables, wait times, and reservations.


The legend provided defines the wait time and reservation color alarm meanings. Each color is triggered by the amount of time the guest has been waiting on their respective list.



To take reservations for a day other than today, use the calendar settings at the top of the Wait List and Reservations screen. When accessing a date other than today, the date and the Today button will turn yellow signaling that attention is required.



Pressing the Tables button displays the Table Map. This map contains all the tables that have been setup and shows their status. Each table in each room can be accessed by pressing this button or by pressing the Tables button on the main screen. In the table map there are several button options:

Legend - Displays the legend display for each table. The legend consists of the table description (what table number it is) of the color of the table, server name, table description, table stats, minutes guest has been seated, party size/table seating capacity. The Table status markers are color coded.

Stations - Displays a list of all the stations setup in the system.  In this window the user sets the server assigned to a station, adds tables to a server, opens and closes tables in a server's station, and set up coverage templates. (Save day templates for each coverage configuration - save the template - apply as necessary.)

Statistics - Table statistics show the number of tables and their status. Use this screen to see the occupancy of the restaurant and the seats remaining.

Find Party - Once a party has been seated at a table, they can be found using the Find Party button. Key in the party's name and the table with that party assigned will display and be designated by a glowing red-to-yellow outline.

Done - Done returns the screen back to the Wait List and Reservations screen.

Reservation Entry

The other half of the screen under the Wait List and Reservations button is the grid display for reservations. The white spaces are the available times for reservations to be taken and the gray spaces are times outside the normal hours of operation. Although the times in gray are not normally intended for reservations, they can be scheduled just as white spaces can. To take a new reservation for the current day, click or touch the cell corresponding to the time requested. The following window will appear allowing the customer’s name, time, guest count, etc. to be entered. Click OK to return to the reservation screen.

Once the reservation has been taken and saved, the guest’s name and party size is displayed in the grid. If additional parties need to be scheduled for the same time, use the cells adjacent to the reserved cell on the same time row.

To Seat a Party

To seat a party from the reservations grid, touch the guest’s cell and the seating/status windows will appear. From this window the party’s status can be changed, the party can be seated, or the reservation can be changed or moved. This window also displays the location of the waiting party, their pager number, and their seating preference. All these variables are established when the reservation is taken. These can be changed on the fly.

Seat – to seat the party, press the Seat button. This will display the Table Map and allow the party to be seated at any open table by pressing the table. When this occurs, the status mark on the table will change to Red, signaling that the table is occupied. Note: if there are multiple rooms on the Table Map, press the tab of the room containing the table to be seated.

Change – Allows a reservation to be changed. Any information about the reservation may be changed using this button.


Move – Allows the reservation to be moved to a different date and time. This is useful if the guest wants to reschedule their reservation.

Close – Closes the seat/status window.


Not Yet Arrived – Indicates that the party has not yet arrived. This is the default setting when a reservation is taken.

Waiting – Signifies that the party has arrived and are waiting for their reservation. The clock starts on their wait time when this status is selected.

Cancelled – This cancels the reservation but keeps record of it. This will show on reports that identify the status of each reservation taken.

Managing Seated Tables

There are four table status marker colors that indicate the status of a table at a glance: Gray, Red, Green, and Yellow


Gray – Table is closed. The following window appears when a closed table is pressed:

The table may be opened by pressing the table and then choosing Open Table.

Red – Table is occupied. Press this table to get these options:

Table Information – This button displays the Party Information window which shows the customer name, party size, time seated, minutes occupied, station, and any notes on the table.

Table Holds – This button displays the list of tables being held for any reason.

Make Table Available - When a party finishes and there is a break on the table, touch the table and press the Make Table Available button. A confirming window will verify this action. Press Yes and the table will become available for seating. This is indicated by the status marker turning green again.

Move Party – Press this button to move a party to a different table. This will relocate the party and retain the minutes they have occupied the table. If the wait staff changes from the previous table, the new wait staff will be assigned to the party.

Combine Tables – To Combine tables, press the first table and press the Combine Tables button and then select the table to which the first table should be combined. A line will be drawn signifying that the tables are linked and both tables will show an occupied status.

Done – This button dismisses the Managing Seated Tables window.

Green – Table is open, ready to be seated. Press this table to receive the following options:

Seat From List – Press this button to seat the Wait List and Reservations screen. Any guest on this screen may be seated at this table.

Seat New – Press this button to enter a party for this table directly into the software without consulting a list. This is for on-the-fly seating.

Close Table – Press this button to close the table. No party may be seated at a closed table. A table may be re-opened if necessary.

Holds…- Press this button to bring up the list of holds on this table. If there is no hold on this table, one may be added if desired. Holds are time-specific so even though the table may have a hold scheduled for a later time, it may be seated as long as it has the status marker of green.

Cancel – Close this window.

Yellow – Table is being held.

Touch a table containing guests and manage the holds on a table with a yellow marker.

Integration with Point of Success


Point of Success Order Entry Main Screen

There are several uses for Table Management in the Point of Success Order Entry program. Table management, wait list, reservation, and guest seating functions are available using the Table Management software within Point of Success.

Additionally, guest ordering and ticket management functions are available when using Table Management through Point of Success Order Entry. The wait list and reservation functions operate just as they do in the stand-alone software and are described above.

Managing Tables and Paying Tickets

To select a table and associate a ticket for an order, press the Tables button on the main screen of Point of Success Order Entry. If this button is not available, the Table Management program has not been installed or is not registered.

Press the room containing the table (if applicable) and then touch the designated table itself. If the table is unoccupied, seating options will appear. If the table has a party seated, the following options are available:

Add New Order – This option adds a ticket to the table. An order is taken and associated with this table and can be paid, voided, or added to as necessary.

Pay – If there is an outstanding open ticket attached to a table, the ticket can be paid. This is a quick way to access tickets and pay them per table.

Edit Order – This function allows additional items to be added to an open ticket associated with the accessed table.

View Order – This button displays the order associated with this table. If there are multiple open orders associated with this table, a list of the tickets will display and the appropriate ticket can be chosen.

Split Ticket – If a customer requests that an order be split, the ticket can be accessed and split from Table Management. Choose the table, then choose the order, the choose Split Ticket to divide the ticket up as instructed.