Credit Card Device Setup

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Credit Card Device Setup

Workstation Settings Payments

Encrypted Card Reader: The list of encrypted card readers is dynamic. The drop down list reflects the currently supported devices and interfaces

EMV Compatible: Check this box to enable EMV credit card processing.

EMV Prompt for Tip: This option turns on the prompt that asks to key in a tip on the EMV card reader itself when a customer pays a ticket.

EMV Encrypted Card Reader: The EMV card reader list is only available if EMV Compagible is checked. This device should be chosen from the list of compatible devices in the drop down list.

Com Port: The Com Port configuration selects the connected port for the card reader.

Initialize Device initializes non-EMV devices.

Device Param Download initializes EMV devices.

Use encrypted card reader for employee/loyalty cards: This option turns on clear text reads for employee cards and local loyalty cards.

Lane ID: Each workstation that processes credit cards must have a unique Lane ID. It can contain letters or numbers with a length no greater than 3 characters.