Setting up the system

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Setting up the system

To setup the inventory system, it is recommended that you have copies of previous invoices from your current distributors.  If you can not locate the invoices, a list of items in your store from a count sheet with a list of your vendor contact information is also useful.  With either method, you will need to perform a count of goods in your store.  You should only perform this count after following the steps to create your recipe and inventory items.  It is also recommended to have copies of your recipes if you have them, or that you create a recipe by breaking down your current dishes into their component parts.

Begin by opening inventory and going to the Vendor section from the list of centers at the top of the window.  Click on the Create New Vendor… option from the left-hand side of the screen, and proceed to fill in your first vendors details.  Continue adding vendors until you have input all distributors and/or local stores you purchase goods from.  

After this, you should go to the Tools section and select inventory categories.  In the window that appears, click Add Item and type in your categories of items.  Such categories can be as specific as Pasta, or as general as Dry Goods.  These categories are used to filter items when doing a count or performing an adjustment, so it is recommended that you try and section your categories somewhere in between very specific and very general to get 10-25 items in each category, depending on the goods that you carry.  Also in the tools window, after you have finished entering the categories, select the program defaults link.  In this window, you can setup your various specific options, but the field you must make sure to fill out is the Default Ideal Food Cost percent.

Next, go to the Inventory section and click Add New Item… from the left-hand side.  Most of the fields on the inventory entry window are straightforward, but some of them might be confusing.  If you need help on a specific field, click on the Help button to find a more specific description of what that field does.

Following this, click on the Recipes center and select Import Recipes.  It is recommended in this window that you select the Check All button and then unselect the specific recipes you do not want inventory to use from the list.  After you have checked the recipes you need, select Import Products and it will pull in your Product Codes from Point of Success, while creating recipes for them.

Once you have the recipes in your system you need to edit each recipe, fill in the details and add each inventory item to it based on your recipe.