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Congratulations on choosing the Point of Success Dashboard system. The Point of Success Dashboard system is an add-on system requiring Point of Success point-of-sale software in order to gather data. It is designed to give owners and managers responsible for business analysis access to critical data from Point of Success point-of-sale in a convenient, timely manner. The purpose if this system is to effectively assist in real-time decisionmaking that will impact profitability and productivity.


Point of Success and Database

Point of Success is point-of-sale software that takes orders, processes payments, and provides management information to users.


Point of Success Dashboard Uploader is software that runs on a PC computer and periodically uploads data from the store's Point of Success point-of-sale system into an Internet-based server for access and reporting. The Uploader can only run on a PC computer and must remain running to be able to upload data continuously. Every 10 minutes, the Uploader gathers new data and uploads it to the Internet-based server. The data is then immediately available in the Client software for review and analysis in a variety of forms.


Point of Success Dashboard Client is a PC/Mac/iOS Device-based software that accesses an Internet-based server by company and displays useful information in a timely manner. The data is constantly refreshed giving the User current, accurate information from each Store in their sphere of responsibility.


Should there be questions pertaining to the installation or operation of Dashboard, please contact us at the numbers listed in Technical Help of this manual. Our technical support staff is available to offer assistance.