Expeditor Monitor

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Expeditor Monitor

Workstation Settings Expeditor Monitor

Bump Ticket Mode

The Bump Ticket Mode for Expeditor Monitor is the default setting and is set in Order Entry, Workstation Setup. If the box is checked to turn on Item bumping, it will not work like this. Please refer to the section below for information on that functionality.

Ticket Layout - Determines the number of columns and rows the Expeditor Monitor display shows. If the display seems crowded, reduce the number of columns or rows to display fewer orders at a time on one screen. Orders will scroll to additional screens and will automatically fill in when earlier orders are bumped.

Expeditor Monitor Function

The Expeditor Monitor can be used exclusively or in conjunction with prep tickets to prepare orders. When orders are bumped off of all Kitchen Monitors, the whole order will appear on the Expeditor Monitor. Main items show in bold text with a green background. Modifiers show in regular text with a yellow background. Exclude (No) items show in regular red text. Orders are sorted in the order bumped.


The following is a list of all actions associated with selecting, bumping, and scrolling items that appear on the Expeditor Monitor. Only those items displayed on the monitor will be marked as having been prepared:

Keyboard Keys (or bump bar keys):

1  -  9  Bump ticket in position 1-9 on Kitchen Monitor

U  ,  -  , and  Backspace  will undo last bumped order

Left Arrow  ,  .  will select the ticket on the left of selected

Right Arrow  ,  ,  will select the ticket on the right of selected

Ctrl  +  Left Arrow  will switch one page to the left

Ctrl  +  Right Arrow  will switch one page to the right

Space  will bump selected ticket

Enter  will move to page 1, ticket position 1 (reset position)

Down Arrow  will scroll (page) selected ticket down to the bottom and then back up to the top of the ticket.

Ctrl  +  Space  or  D  will press the Done key and exit

Touch Screen Action:

Touch cell to select. Touch twice to bump. Left and Right arrow keys page orders left and right. Scroll bar appears when orders are longer than the cell can display. Touch the scroll bar to scroll the order up or down.

Bump Item Mode

The Bump Item Mode for Expediter Monitor is not the default setting and is set in Order Entry, Workstation Setup. If the box is checked to turn on Item bumping, it will work as described below. Please refer to the section above for information on Bump Ticket Mode.

Ticket Layout - Determines the number of columns and rows the Expeditor Monitor display shows. If the display seems crowded, reduce the number of columns or rows to display fewer orders at a time on one screen. Orders will scroll to additional screens and will automatically fill in when earlier orders are bumped.

Show Service Types - By default, all service types are displayed. To restrict certain service types, use these check boxes.

Show Prep Items - By default, items from all prep stations are displayed. To display certain stations, check only those stations to be shown. - Show items for unchecked Prep Stations will display all prep items even though the prep station in unchecked but the items for other stations will be gray.